701 Atando Ave Suite P, Charlotte, NC 28206

(704) 728-0195

Preparing Your New Home Before Moving In: A Checklist

By Two Twigs Moving

Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone, but preparing your new space before you move in can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable. By taking a few essential steps, you can ensure that your new home is ready for you and your belongings. This checklist will guide you through the process, making sure you cover all the important tasks before your moving day.

What should I do before moving into a new home?

Before you officially move in, there are several key tasks to complete to ensure your new home is ready for occupancy:

  • Deep clean the house: Even if the previous owners cleaned before leaving, it’s a good idea to do a thorough clean yourself. Focus on areas like the floors, windows, and kitchen appliances. This will help you start fresh and ensure your new home is spotless.
  • Inspect the property: Take a walk through the house to check for any repairs or maintenance issues that need addressing. Look for signs of damage, such as leaky faucets, electrical issues, or broken fixtures, and make a list of things that need fixing.
  • Change the locks: For security reasons, it’s a good idea to change the locks on all exterior doors. You never know how many copies of the keys the previous owners may have distributed.
  • Set up utilities: Contact utility companies to transfer or set up services such as electricity, water, gas, and internet. Ensure that all services are activated by your move-in date to avoid any disruptions.

How can I make sure my new home is safe?

Safety should be a top priority when moving into a new home. Here’s how you can ensure your new space is secure:

  • Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working properly. Replace batteries if needed, or install new detectors if the old ones are outdated.
  • Inspect the security system: If your new home has a security system, familiarize yourself with its operation. Ensure all components, such as cameras, alarms, and motion sensors, are functioning correctly.
  • Secure windows and doors: Make sure all windows and doors have secure locks and are properly fitted. Repair or replace any broken locks or latches to enhance home security.

What should I do to prepare the interior of my new home?

Preparing the interior of your new home will help create a comfortable and welcoming environment. Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Paint and decorate: If you plan to paint or make any changes to the décor, it’s best to do this before moving in. This will save you from having to move furniture around and potentially damage new items.
  • Clean carpets and floors: If your new home has carpets, consider having them professionally cleaned before moving in. For hardwood or tile floors, ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and polished.
  • Organize closets and storage spaces: Plan the layout for closets and storage areas. Install any necessary shelving or organizational systems to help keep your belongings neatly arranged.

How can I prepare for moving day?

Preparing for moving day will help ensure a smooth transition into your new home:

  • Create a moving plan: Develop a detailed plan for moving day, including a schedule and any specific tasks that need to be completed. Coordinate with movers or friends to make sure everyone knows their responsibilities.
  • Pack an essentials box: Pack a box of essential items that you’ll need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, cleaning supplies, and basic kitchen items. This will help you settle in quickly without having to search through packed boxes.
  • Label rooms: Clearly label each room in your new home to make it easier for movers to place boxes in the correct locations. This will save time and effort when it’s time to unpack.


Preparing your new home before moving in is crucial to ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition. By deep cleaning, addressing safety concerns, and organizing the interior, you’ll create a welcoming environment that’s ready for you and your family. With a little planning and preparation, you can start enjoying your new home right away.

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