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The Ultimate Guide to Moving with Houseplants: How to Keep Them Alive

By Two Twigs Moving

Moving can be a challenging process, especially when you have houseplants to consider. Your leafy companions add beauty and freshness to your home, and ensuring they survive the move is essential. Houseplants can be sensitive to changes in environment, temperature, and handling, so taking extra care during the move is crucial. Here’s the ultimate guide to moving with houseplants and keeping them alive and thriving.

1. Plan Ahead

Start by assessing the types of plants you have and their specific needs. Some plants are more delicate and require more attention, while others are hardier and can tolerate changes better. Planning ahead allows you to gather the necessary materials, such as sturdy boxes, packing paper, and plastic pots, to protect your plants during the move.

2. Repot in Plastic Containers

If your plants are in heavy ceramic or clay pots, consider repotting them into lightweight plastic containers a few weeks before the move. This reduces the risk of breakage and makes the plants easier to carry. Repotting ahead of time also gives the plants a chance to settle into their new pots, reducing stress during the move.

3. Prune and Trim Your Plants

Pruning your plants a few days before the move helps to reduce their size and makes them easier to handle. Removing dead or excess foliage also allows the plant to focus its energy on staying healthy during the transition. Be sure to use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant.

4. Watering Strategy

Water your plants a few days before the move, but avoid overwatering. The soil should be moist, not soggy. Overwatered plants are heavier and more prone to root rot during the move. On the other hand, plants that are too dry may struggle to survive the trip. Find a balance by giving them just enough water to keep them hydrated during the journey.

5. Packing Your Plants

When packing your plants, choose boxes that are slightly larger than the pots to provide some cushioning. Line the bottom of the box with packing paper or bubble wrap to create a soft base. Place the plant inside the box and fill any gaps with packing paper to keep the pot stable. For taller plants, consider loosely wrapping the foliage in tissue paper or a plastic bag to prevent damage.

6. Temperature Control

Houseplants are sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it’s important to keep them in a controlled environment during the move. If you’re moving in cold weather, ensure that the plants are protected from freezing temperatures by transporting them in a heated vehicle. In hot weather, avoid leaving plants in a hot car for too long, as high temperatures can cause heat stress.

7. Moving Day Considerations

On moving day, place your plants in a secure spot in the vehicle where they won’t be crushed or toppled over. Avoid placing them in the trunk, as it can get too hot or cold depending on the weather. If possible, transport your plants yourself rather than loading them onto the moving truck, especially for long-distance moves.

8. Unpacking and Acclimating

Once you arrive at your new home, unpack your plants as soon as possible. Give them a good once-over to check for any damage or stress. Place them in a spot with the appropriate light conditions and allow them to acclimate to their new environment gradually. It’s normal for plants to experience some shock after a move, so be patient as they adjust.

9. Post-Move Care

After the move, continue to monitor your plants closely. Resume your regular watering and feeding schedule, but keep an eye on their condition. If you notice any signs of stress, such as wilting or yellowing leaves, take action by adjusting their light or water intake. With proper care, your plants should bounce back and thrive in their new home.


Moving with houseplants requires some extra effort, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can ensure that your green friends survive the journey. By following this guide, you’ll help your houseplants acclimate to their new environment and continue to bring life and beauty to your home.

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